Alright-- I guess since my first semester is over at Ringling we have just finished our second week for the Spring 2012 semester....I should post stuff I did during the first semester?
First up-- here's some 2D Design work:
This was the first project we did. We had to create a couple of abstract shapes-- both geometric and organic. We cut out various quantities and different sizes for those shapes and had to design the outer panels of this triptych. The left side with purely organic shapes and the right side with purely geometric shapes. For the middle panel, we had to connect both pieces by using any combination of shapes that we had already used.
For this project, we had to create silhouettes of people and things and use them to create a 16:9 scene. Then we had to take those same elements and make a different scent out of it. Bonus points if it went with the narrative. Mine being something vaguely resembling a zombie attack from different angles.