Saturday, December 8, 2012

Intel Workshop - Projection Mapping

Today was quality.

We got a basic run down on how projection mapping (projecting interactive / video content on the environment) works.

Here's one of the end results

This is an example of a Processing sketch being projected on to some (BSP!) boxes. The sketch makes it so that the visuals react to audio.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Intel Workshop - Programming for Artists

Got to attend the first part of the Programming for Artists workshop by Intel's Perceptual Computing Group (shut out to Chris Rojas, Seth Gibson, and Annie Harper!)

Using Processing (an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions), we went over some basic ways to manipulate code to draw various types of circles (and boxes). Fun thing to note is that Processing works with Arduino (which I've been twiddling with this semester)

Result of the sketches under the cut:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Portfolio Update

Added more beauty shots and contact sheets for props and building kits to my portfolio.
Here's a few of them:

Some props and building sheets under the cut:

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tartarus Master - Revised Commercial


  • Animations added to text and chain scenes
  • Sound cues added to chain scenes
  • Lowered the amount of times the logo blurred at the end (it also fades out now instead of cutting to black)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Game Commercial + Portfolio Update

We had to make a commercial for our board game. This is what I turned in-- although it needs some adjustments (I took out the animation in the final edits wow good job, self!)

Also just finished setting up my portfolio site, which can be found here.

Need to fix up the images I'll be using for it, but here's a list of things to come:
  • Contact Sheets
    • Building Kit
    • Prop Kit
  • Map shots
  • Board game images