Saturday, April 27, 2013

Game Analysis (Game Mechanics): Dangan Ronpa

My attention's being caught by a game that seems to be a mix of Battle Royal and the Ace Attorney series. This is Dangan Ronpa: Academy of Hope and High School Students of Despair!

This is a game described by the publisher as a "High-Speed Mystery Action Adventure", which translates to us as a murder mystery visual novel with more of an emphasis on faster gameplay.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Attract Trailer - Rough Edit

1st take on the attract trailer
Some shots are too long still-- need more cuts matching on the music.
Will update once the final is ready.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Moonbot Project

I've been working on a project for Moonbot Studios...and while I can't give much away (other than it's an educational app for kids), I've got a few images to show:

App Icon

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rigging WIP

Still working on my character rig made to fit the UDK skeleton

I'm not exempt from making my character dance

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Reference: Attract Trailers

First up, Devil May Cry 4:

Here we get to see some bits of gameplay and a lot of cutscenes. Enjoyable trademark music amps up the atmosphere along with some general idea of the world, what the story is about, very brief glimpse at different characters and what you'll be doing for the game (namely kicking demon booty). You also get to see a lot of really flashy moves that you can do in-game as well as some of the weapons you'll be getting.

This attract trailer shows cars spinning out at times as well as scenery. Mostly focused on the cars, but still shows nice mixed shots. a bonus, this DMC HD Collection trailer shows a nice mix of the different games together-- which could be used for putting together different levels and the like; with defining music for different tracks

aaaaand this Silent Hill one shows a lot of really nice gameplay (and I really like this song)