Monday, August 26, 2013


Brought what I had into UDK just to double check the snapping. Went back and adjusted a pivot point on the standing support part of the shelves. Started playing with some constructs...

Also changed up the barrel so that it resembles a 55 gallon drum more.

Trading up the smaller shelf pieces in favor of a palette and a (soon to be) saran wrapped box.

Played around with some more constructs

I'm going to need another piece for trim...
Will post rough uv tries in a bit--

EDIT: UDK continues to give me a weird graph error and it won't save my maps....
It also says I'm importing....old versions of FBX?

Gotta remake constructs, thanks UDK.


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Constructs and texture updates

Happily made some constructs that actually stayed this time around. 

Started out with some decked-out shelves...
...then moved on to making a small warehouse, using the pieces for the shelves as wall and ceiling parts...

Ah, I did also go back to soften the edges on the barrels and spent far too long re-arranging my UV space from one 1024 to four 512 with tileable this worth it? I just don't know.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Game Mechanics Dump

  1. Time-based thing in which the player runs up a set of spiraling platforms while the platforms are falling down into the abyss
  2. A puzzle in which you have to get from one end of the room to another via moving platforms. You have to not only decipher the pattern, but also shoot different switches (crystals?) that change the direction of differently colored platforms. (i.e. Blue platforms have a set pattern. Red platforms change via switch)
  3. Magnetic force field that shields you from damage by keeping you surrounded by nearby objects.
  4. Going down a long corridor in which both the ceiling and floor close in on you. Timing and pattern searching is key.
  5. Stepping on different panels that let out different sounds. A certain pattern must be played to open the door. The correct pattern is played right after entering the room.
  6. A game in which you have to run around a robot/totem/something that spins around with beams the player has to avoid. The rotation changes direction and speed depending on the damage the robot thing has sustained. You're on floating platforms too, aha.
  7.  Block-pushing puzzle because those are fun
  8. Puzzles that force you to turn back time to complete
  9. Physics puzzle game? 
  10. Light up torches in a certain pattern to open the door.
  11. Extinguish the torches in reverse of that to get a treasure chest, ka-ching.
  12. Go through a forest...There is a certain path you have to follow. Players are lead with hints about the phases of the moon. I.E. the moon has to be on a specific phase to go through. If you don't, you get reset back to the beginning of the forest.
  13. Water levels that rise and fall controlled via switches
  14. Library laid out like a labyrinth with shifting bookcases that are triggered by levers
  15. Or library with several different heights and ladders that you can push around.
  16. Rotating walls/bookcases
  17. Switch-Bridge Puzzles inn which switches  are turned on and off,  causing bridges between islands of passable tiles to appear and dissapear. You have to find the correct combination of switches to unlock a path to the exit.
  18. Teleporting puzzles that test your memory along with trial and error
  19. Conveyor belt styled puzzles were you have to ride on the right path to find goodies and the exit
  20. Passcode doors with the password pieces hidden
  21. Ice puzzles where you keep sliding until you hit an object and you have to seek a way out.
  22. Tile puzzles where you have to step on all the tiles ONCE to get through the exit.
  23. Rube Goldberg....?

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Modularity Testing

Got some feedback on my current progress. Here's what we've got thus far:

your modularity is very solid.
The pieces match and you have a half size for making new things.

What I don't understand is why the racks have such small shelf like wood planks. if a shelf/rack in real life would need a full shelf no?

The kit itself is very good though. clean pieces.
i've made some pretty cool constructs :]
-Luis F. Gutierrez

Very modular
The only problem i have is that the two fences have nubs sticking out at the bottom which could cause problems for the modular kit. Just
saw them of and pow they've become more modular.
 The kit over all is fantastic
-gabriel gomez