Thursday, March 27, 2014

Animatic Update

This is what I had for final faculty crit on my second pitch: Fool's Journey

Friday, March 7, 2014

Key Moments Update

Death Solving the Cryptex

Death Runs away from flooding hallway

Death Returns to Torture Chamber, which is now covered with fresh blood

Operator's Command Console Glitching Out

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Boss - UDK Test

Ran into some odd issues while importing my boss into UDK...

the non-regular checkered parts show up with no texture, as follows

....but was eventually fixed by importing it as a skeletal mesh rather than a static one...not sure why

but here he is, Miss America

Boss - Rigging Time

Just got him attached to the rig. Posed him around without any changes to the weights and um:

Not bad, to be honest. I expected more funky things happening.

...Maybe it's better with the tail curled in one direction...

I think I'll go with this one...

Boss - Texture Update

Updating texture for this dude, trying to make his flesh look somewhat more decaying rather than...fresh meat, I guess?